15 research outputs found

    Eliciting Children’s Expectations for Hand Prostheses through Generative Design Tools

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    When designing assistive devices for children with disabilities, designers mostly consider technical and functional aspects and overlook factors that affect their usage from children’s perspective. Therefore, in most cases, assistive devices do not fully meet the needs of the children and may create a negative effect on children’s well-being. To explore the opinion’s of children using 3D printed hand prosthetics in Country-Xx, individual generative sessions were conducted with four children with limb deficiency. Generative tools are used to engage children and encourage them to express themselves in relation to prosthesis use. The main aim was to investigate how children provide design relevant information that may help designers to achieve improved assistive devices that support children’s physical, emotional and social wellbeing. Children’s feedback related to prosthetic usage categorized under two topics; expectations of children for prosthesis use and children’s priority expectation for the prosthesis. The findings are argued to be useful and usable by NGOs, product designers and design researchers who work with children with disabilities

    Numerical solution of second order linear hyperbolic telegraph equation

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    This paper is of about a numerical solution of the second order linear hyperbolic telegraph equation. To solve numerically the second order linear hyperbolic telegraph equation, the cubic B-spline collocation method is used in space discretization and the fourth order one-step method is used in time discretization. By using the fourth order one-step method, it is aimed to obtain a numerical algorithm whose accuracy is higher than the current studies. The efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method is studied by two examples. The obtained results show that the proposed method has higher accuracy as intended.This work has been supported by the Scientific Research Council of Eskisehir Osmangazi University under project No. 2018-2090.Publisher's Versio

    Çocukların protez ortak tasarım araç seti: üretken tasarım araçları yoluyla çocukların el protezleri ihtiyaçlarını ortaya çıkarma

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    When designing assistive devices for children with disabilities, designers mostly consider technical and functional aspects and overlook factors that affect their usage from children's perspective. Therefore, in most cases, assistive devices do not fully meet the needs of the children and may create a negative effect on children's well-being. To explore the opinions of children using 3D printed hand prosthetics in Turkey, individual co-design sessions were conducted with four children with upper limb deficiency. Generative tools are used to engage children and encourage them to express themselves in relation to prosthesis use. The main aim was to investigate how children provide design relevant information that may help designers to achieve improved assistive devices that support children's physical, emotional, and social wellbeing. Children's feedback related to prosthetic usage categorized under three topics; (i) daily prosthesis needs of children, (ii) prosthesis design expectations by children and (iii) children's priorities for the expectations related to prosthesis usage. The findings are argued to be useful and usable by NGOs, product designers and design researchers who work with children with disabilities.Tasarımcılar engelli çocuklar için yardımcı cihazlar tasarlarken çoğunlukla teknik ve işlevsel yönleri göz önünde bulundurur ve çocukların bakış açılarından cihazların kullanımını etkileyen faktörleri gözden kaçırır. Bu nedenle çoğu durumda yardımcı cihazlar çocukların ihtiyaçlarını tam olarak karşılamamakta ve çocukların iyi oluşunun üzerinde olumsuz bir etki yaratabilmektedir. Bu bağlamda, Türkiye’de üç boyutlu yazıcıyla üretilmiş el protezi kullanan çocukların görüşlerini incelemek için uzuv yetersizliğiolan dört çocukla bireysel olarak üretken tasarım seansları yürütüldü. Üretken tasarım araçları, çocukların ilgisini çekmek ve onları protez kullanımıyla ilgili olarak kendilerini ifade etmeye teşvik etmek için kullanılmıştır. Temel amaç, tasarımcıların çocukların fiziksel, duygusal ve sosyal iyi oluşlarını destekleyen yardımcı cihazlar geliştirmelerine yardımcı olabilecek tasarımla ilgili bilgileri nasıl sağlayabileceklerini araştırmaktır. Protez kullanımına ilişkin çocukların geri bildirimleri üç başlık altında toplanmıştır; (i) çocukların protez ihtiyaçları, (ii) çocukların protez tasarım kriterleri ve (iii) çocukların protez kullanımına ilişkin kriter öncelikleri. Araştırmanın sonucunda, elde edilen bulgular engelli çocuklarla çalışan sivil toplum örgütleri, ürün tasarımcıları ve tasarım araştırmacılara fayda sağlayabilecek şekilde tartışılmıştır.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Gençler İçin Açık Hava Spor Ekipmanlarının Tasarım Gereksinimlerinin Keşfedilmesi

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    Outdoor Fitness Equipment (OFE) can support public health by making physical activity available to all segments of the society. However, our knowledge is limited regarding how young people can adopt this equipment. Therefore, this study set out to explore (1) motivators of young people to do sports, (2) their perspective towards being physically active outside and (3) how to increase their outdoor physical activity level and OFE usage through design. Therefore, a cultural probes study and interviews were conducted with twelve participants aged between 20–30 years old, who do sports at home or gym. As a result, three types of needs were identified namely personal, social and practical needs. Moreover, design requirements are identified which are focusing on equipment, space, and service. As a result, this study provides brief guidance for designers and urban planners to meet young people’s needs about doing sport outside

    A High Order Accurate Numerical Solution of the Klein-Gordon Equation

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    In this paper, numerical solution of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation is obtained by using the cubic B-spline Galerkin method for space discretization and the finite difference method which is of order four for time discretization. Accuracy of the method is presented by computing the maximum error norm. Robustness of the suggested method is shown by studying some classical test problems


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    In this paper, numerical solution of the advection-diffusion equation is obtained by using extended cubic B-spline functions. For space discretization, the extended cubic B-spline Galerkin method is used to integrate the advection-diffusion equation and for time discretization, the Crank-Nicolson method is employed to obtain the fully integrated advection-diffusion equation. The maximum error norm has been used to show the accuracy of the method. Robustness of the suggested method is shown by studying some classical test problems and comparing the results with some earlier ones

    P-Wave Changes Associated with Chiari Network in the Right Atrium

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    The Chiari network (CN) is a mobile, net-like structure occasionally present in the right atrium, near the opening of the inferior vena cava and coronary sinus. While typically asymptomatic, it may contribute to thromboembolism or right atrial pathologies. Here, we hypothesized that existing differences in P-wave morphology on electrocardiograms (ECG) may be associated with atrial conduction changes. Seventy-one children with a CN were recruited and matched to 60 healthy controls. P-wave duration, P-wave amplitude, P dispersion (Pd), QRS, PR, QT, and QTc (calculated with Bazett formula) intervals were measured and compared. Between the control and the patient groups, the mean P-wave duration was 78.1 ms and 88.7 ms, P amplitude was 1.3 mm and 1.1 mm, and Pd was 18.9 and 35.5 ms, respectively. These differences were statistically significant across all measurements (p < 0.05). Atrial conduction may be affected in patients with CN, and these patients may then develop atrial arrhythmia